Thursday, April 01, 2010

Snapshot Press Calendar 2011 Runner Up

Slightly disappointed about being "just" a runner-up in the Snapshot Press calendar contest for 2011, but the haiku will appear in the calendar nonetheless. I hate when the results are alphabetical,  because it looks like I'm waaaay down at the bottom of runner-up-hood.


Pan Haiku Review said...

Hi Nora,

Please don't be disappointed. ;-)

I've never been a winner, although I know I nearly got placed for my nankeen kestrel haiku for the previous competition. ;-)

You have gone incredibly far with your haiku and you will be winning competitions before long. ;-)

With Words

nora said...

Thank you, Alan. I appreciate your support. Your gentle comments on the seasonal blog helped me fully embrace comtemporary haiku.

You remind me: when is the with words competition this year? :-)

marty45 said...

Sorry this isn't original however it really is about the Journey. As long as you enjoy the process. There is reward in that. Making any wins just that much sweeter.

Magyar said...

Dear Nora,
__You are never a runner-up with us, you are always a winner; bravo to you... is in order!

D and K

Diane Mayr said...

Nora, I've been getting the calendar for several years now and more often than not, my favorites are the ones on the back! What month?

nora said...

Thank you all for your kind encouragement.

Diane, I haven't purchased the calendar before, so it's good to know you like the runners-up. Mine is July, I think.